***Editie online: Anul nr. III

februarie 10, 2025

Interview with DR. JAMES BAMWESA PHD, from D.R. Congo, Africa Chancellor of Vision for Excellence International University-USA

C.S. I would like, for a start, to tell us who you really are, what is your occupation, your dreams, your hobbies, and anything else you want to share with us.

J.B. I am Dr. James Bamwesa, from Congo Democratic, living in Kigali Rwanda and the Africa Chancellor of Vision for Excellence Intrenational University ’’VEIU”, with one doctorate in Human Resource Management from the VEIU and another one in Christian Leadership from International Kinddom University Frolira-USA. I am the Africa Bishop leading four hundred and fifty church and Ministries calle Agape Church and Ministries International ’’ ACMI ’’. My hobies are community involvment, empowering youth and traveling. Mr. James, I have always appreciated the enthusiasm of youths, those who fight for the development of the society they come from, those who raise their voices for the right to education and a decent life for all children and women, regardless of the environment they belong to.

CS. Following your activities, I noticed that you are one who will always mitigate for this, so please tell us how and when you discovered this passion in you?

J.B. Thanks for this wonderful question. In fact as you have underlined it, I have an ehtusiasm of yourh. Making a reaserch on what hinder youth from their developement in my reagion, I have come to understand that the practise of early marriage which is a human rights violation and a harmful practice that unreasonably affects girls around the globe, preventing them from living their lives free from all forms of violence. This violating several human rights, including the right to education and employment, freedom from violence, freedom of movement, the right to consensual marriage, reproductive rights, and the right to reproductive and sexual health care. Early marriage also makes girls more vulnerable to violence, discrimination and abuse, and prevents them from fully participating in the economic, political and social spheres. I therefore decided to be the voice of the voiceless for youth. I have decided to be the youth ambassador at all level…

C.S. I know you are a Africa Chancellor of Vision for Excellence International University-USA. Tell us when and how it starts.

J.B. Well, It has started on the october 2nd , 2017 by being appointed as the VEIU Central Africa Representative, then three years later I was promoted to the VEIU Africa Chancellor on November 2nd 2020. Based on the feedback I got from the VEIU international headquarters; my promotion was determined from the performance on the following : 1. I empower and motivate other employees around me, 2. I remain confident and humble, 3. I create a positive work environment 4. I follow through with strategies or ideas 5. I build trust with other employees 6. I volunteer for additional responsibilities 7. I help other employees with tasks and projects 8. I adapt to changing environments and situations 9. I teach other employees 10. I set and exceed professional goals 12. I develop my skills further 13. I solve problems in unique and innovative ways 15. I collaborate with team members 16. I pursue learning opportunities 17. I document the achievements I’ve met 18. I ask for feedback on ways to improve C.S. Can you tell us something about your biggest dream, which you want to fulfill? J.B. My biggest dream is to see ten (million people allover the world ) being empowered and impacted by my life through : – Trainings, – Different Assistances.

C.S. Among other things, you also you like to do charity. Tell our readers where this desire came from and when.

J.B. As a Servant of God from Congo Democratic where the country is fraught with political instability, armed clashes, and human rights violations. I feel being a servant who is called by God to: – Bring a new relief in Victim’s life, – New joy in orphans and widows’ life, – Assist old abandonned people etc. I also believe that whatever I gain as salary or any other income from my IGA is just from God and I am just a manager to direct it to the people in need. To make all this possible, I had initiated a national NGO called Vunteers Association for Reconciliation and Developpement of the Communities ’’ AVRD PGL’’ which interevenes in promotion of education, protection, Heathcare, Food safety and Enterpreunership.

C.S. What or which is your greatest achievement so far? And by achievement I don’t mean only the professional plan.

J.B. Spraking of achievment, I just have to thank God because it by His grace that I have so far : – Supported and impleted three primary schools for vul nerables, – Suppoerting 87 orphans with schorlarship for five years now, – Supported 46 widdows by taking care of feeding, clothing, health care, accomodation etc. – Tarined 1254 youth in enterpreunership, – Trained 875 church leaders in chirtian leadership, – Opended ( implementing 39 churches in the republic of Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of Uganda and Republic of Kenya and United Republic of Tanzania), – With two Ph.Ds, I am working not only as the VEIU Africa Chancellor but also as the RELTTAW International Regional Project Director, Africa Director of International Institute of Influencers ’’ iii ’’, I am the Director of Intrenational cooperation of Simon Kimbangu University of the Congo etc.

C.S. Vision for Excellence International University-USA, where you are the Africa Chancellor, is stand for what?

Tell us something about your experience from this position. J.B. Vision for Excellence International University is an accredited international online institution providing distance learning for Bachelor, Master and Doctorate programs to students world-wide. VEIU offers you what is expected from a leading university, the foundation and continuance of a great career… VEIU is affordable and offers best value business education at an unrivaled customer friendly tuition level. With uncountable online education providers in the market. The vision and missions of VEIU are: – to positively contribute to the educational, economic, and sustainable development of the local communities and the region by providing high-quality, internationally recognized academic programs, which focus on developing professional skills promoting employability as a leading research‐intensive university, – Promote the intellectual, professional, social, and personal development of its students through innovations in learning and creative endeavors, – Create strong engagement with the local, national, and global communities. – To become the leading responsible and sustainable higher education institution, which effectively combines online learning with in-person trainings. Working in partnership with a hundred of other international university and colleges worldwide, VEIU offers trainings in: VEIU offers online and distance learning program in Bachelor, Master and Doctorate in three faculties with various departments as follow: FACULTY OF THEOLOGY AND RELIGIOUS SCIENCES  Islam and Sciences,  Bibliology,  Practical theology,  Pastoral theology,  Christian leadership,  Spirituality. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE  Economics (with different orientations)  Human Resources Management,  International Business Development,  Finance (with different orientations),  General Management,  Journalism and Communication,  Business Administration,  Banking System and Financial Services Management,  Marketing. FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES  Political and administrative sciences (with different orientations),  Musicology,  Sociology (with different orientations)  International Relations,  Psychology (with different orientations)  Education,  Criminology,  Project management,  Community Development,  Anthropology,  Diplomacy. C.S. You are a pastor as well. Please let us knows when you discovered this pasion and what means to be a pastor/confesor of milion of people. J.B. Yes Miss Coorina, I am a Pastor and I like it. Being a Pastor for me is being a leader of a Christian congregation who also gives advice and counsel to people from the community or congregation. One who is called and chosen by God this. In short, I have been serving God since I was 15 years old that in 1995 in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. Since then up to now 2023 by God’s grace I am still serving in the vineyard. This calling had started as prayer warrior and evangelist in 1995. After various training in Christian leadership and a solid commitment to the work of God, God confirmed as Pastor and Bishop of hundreds of church at the Agape Church and Ministries International

C.S. You are interested in Global Exchange Programs, as I know. Do you think such of programs are benefical for education? And How?

J.B. Miss Corina I am intersted in global exchange programs in general and the one organized by RELTTAW ( your project) in particular for its unnumberd benefits on education at both Educators and students such as :  These programs have been designed to enable student learning at a whole different level. But the main goal is to get them out of their comfort zone so that they not only experience enhanced learning but also personal growth,  Student exchange programs increase tolerance for other cultures  Students get global exposure  Students can master the local language  Prepares students for university  They develop self-confidence in students For educators, Miss Corina, remember We are now living in a globalised environment.  Here are some reasons why Educators might want to participate in an international exchange program.  1. gives new Life skills – enhance your personal development, increase your employability, improve your confidence and enjoy your life in different ways  2. Brings unity among diversity,  . Gaining a worldlier view  3. Flexibility, adaptability, and confidence among young students  4. Get exposure to alternative ways of learning:  5. Gateway to personal development:  6. opportunity to educational activities funding  etc C.S. At the end, I would like to share with us your favorite quote and explain us why you like this. J.B. My favorite quote of which I am the author is ‚’’ we are only important if our life can impact positevely other people’s life” I made this quote after understanding that : we are made to impact others. Failure to that our life is meaningless, and also Because when you die, somebody else who claim your property but your impact will remain for a very long time, C.S. Dr. James, thank you for agreeing to answer my questions and I wish you best of luck for the future! J.B. Thank you Miss Corina for this opportunity. Wishing the same too.

Interview conducted by Corina Șujdea

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